
A Brief History of HOTrack

HOTrack was started as a project of the Sunrise Trail Division (NYC/LI) of the National Model Railroad Association. The STD funded the cost of building the original corners.

Some significant dates:

1979: Bob S. installed as Coordinator 

December 1984: Dennis D. replaces Bob S. as Coordinator 

December 1985: Hellgate makes its first appearance  

December 1989: First Christmas show at EAB Bank 

June 1990: First review of club specifications 

August 1990: Current specifications established 

March 1991: Dues established at $5/yr 

September 1991: Current specs made mandatory 

September 1996: Club rules adopted 

February 2000: Trailer purchased

August 2001: Dues raised to $10/yr

December 2001: First use of NCE DCC control on 1-2 lines, remainder of layout remains controlled by DC

June 2002: Meeting at West Island. Dennis G. assumes role of Coordinator

December 2004: HOTrack particiates in the World’s Greatest Hobby Show, Edison, NJ 

April 2005: Meeting at West Island. Bob M. introduces two 6’ corners

October 2005: website debuts 

May 2006: Rich E. donates first Digitrax DCC equipment 

September 2008: Fully transitioned from DC (direct current) to DCC (Digital Command Control). Used Digitrax DCC system. Dues raised to $20/yr. 6’ corners retired, new 4’ corners used

December 2017: Switched from Digitrax to NCE system

February 2018: Vinnie D. assumes role of Coordinator

August 2019: Dues raised to $65/yr

Fallen Flags:

Vinnie P
Tony C
Ron P
Bob S
Jim L
Bob M